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Author: Louise Stanley

Birmingham maternity experts call for urgent action on pregnancy ‘drug drought’

Leaders in maternal healthcare from Birmingham Health Partners (BHP) have called for lifesaving research into pharmaceuticals for use during pregnancy, in a new report which highlights the challenges of pregnancy-related complications, pre-term birth and pre-existing conditions.

Globally, 2.7 million women and children die each year from causes related to pregnancy and childbirth – including one death every six minutes due to pre-eclampsia. As well as pregnancy-related health conditions which develop during pregnancy, expectant mothers may be diagnosed with infections such as COVID-19 or serious diseases including cancer, and many women enter pregnancy with pre-existing conditions like asthma, diabetes or depression. Despite this, only one new drug has been developed specifically for use in pregnancy in more than 30 years, and 73% of drugs used in pregnancy come with no safety information relating to their use by pregnant women.

Experts from BHP’s founding members the University of Birmingham and Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust are today urging politicians, clinicians, academia, industry, patients and research funders to end this ‘drug drought’ through developing and testing new and existing medicines in pregnancy, and help achieve the UK Government’s aim to halve maternal and infant deaths by 2025. The report, ‘Safe and Effective Medicines for Use in Pregnancy: A Call to Action’ sets out how this crucial research can be managed to de-risk research, mitigate safety concerns and give confidence to women and their clinicians.

BHP’s Katie Morris, Professor of Obstetrics and Maternal Fetal Medicine, explained: “The COVID-19 pandemic and confusion surrounding the vaccine has brought into sharp focus the absence of pregnant women in most pharmaceutical trials. The lack of understanding of which drugs can be safely used in pregnancy combined with reluctance to develop new medicines for mothers-to-be adds up to a major global public health issue, but it’s one which could be reversed. With collaborative effort, we can stop excluding pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers from clinical research and give them access to the medicines they deserve.”

Peter Brocklehurst, Professor of Women’s Health at BHP, commented: “Pregnancy complications, including pre-term birth and pre-eclampsia have a huge impact on families and society as a whole. The consequences of preterm birth alone cost the UK economy almost £3bn annually and, while we have the ability to tackle these issues for mothers at home and abroad, we have barely begun. Many of the women and babies who die during pregnancy and birth could be saved, and 15 million babies could be spared the disability and mortality risks linked with being born too early, if we act now.”

Dr Sheuli Porkess, Medical Director at the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, commented: “We completely agree on the need for action to address the needs of pregnant women and the lack of licensed medicines and treatments researched for use in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

“We have already started work, including on better representation of pregnant women in the design of and recruitment for clinical trials. We are pleased to have Maternal Health reflected in our Memorandum of Understanding with Birmingham Health Partners and to be working with our members, BHP, the MHRA, HRA and others on this important area.”

The report concludes that, through collaboration, research into medicines for pregnancy could be progressed at pace. By creating financial incentives for investment, building public-private partnerships, addressing regulatory gaps and hurdles and harnessing new technologies, the UK can directly impact the health, safety and wellbeing of pregnant women worldwide.

Safe and Effective Medicines for Use in Pregnancy: A Call to Action’ can be downloaded from Its signatories – BHP Professors Katie Morris, Peter Brocklehurst, Arri Coomarasamy and Shakila Thangaratinam – will next establish a major policy commission to review evidence, opportunities and options for policy which will be integral to the formation of clear, multi-stakeholder recommendations to the UK Government.

The BHP Starter Fellowship – Anna’s story

Anna Price

Dr Anna Price, ST3 in Renal Medicine at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, undertook a Birmingham Health Partners Starter Fellowship in 2015-2016 and is currently undertaking a PhD at University of Birmingham. We spoke to Anna about her thoughts on her fellowship experience.

What attracted you to the BHP Starter Fellowship?

During my undergraduate intercalation I became involved in cardio renal research. I thoroughly enjoyed it and knew from that point on I wanted to do a PhD. After completing an Academic Foundation Programme I was unsuccessful obtaining an Academic Clinical Fellowship. In Core Medical Training the clinical workload was naturally busy and the MRCP and medical curriculum became all consuming. Research projects became squeezed into early mornings and late nights. I was fortunate enough to meet my current supervisor in my cardiology rotation and we made an application to the British Heart Foundation but unfortunately this was unsuccessful.

I applied for speciality training in Renal Medicine but felt like the opportunities to do research were dwindling away. I became resigned to a career without research when the BHP fellowship flyer was emailed to me. The fellowship was a unique opportunity to gain independent funding to complete a PhD on a topic of my choosing. It gave me the break I had been waiting for.

What were the benefits of the Fellowship?

The BHP fellowship gave me dedicated time to make several funding applications and successfully fund my study consumables and time out of programme for three years. Within my BHP fellowship year I was awarded three grants including a personal British Heart Foundation Clinical Training Fellowship totalling £249,000. I have had the time to set up my study protocol, gain ethical approval, buy equipment and learn the skills required to hit the ground running.

Were there any challenges during the fellowship?

This was my golden opportunity to achieve ongoing funding so there was some pressure, this was the biggest hurdle. Most of my colleagues already had funding and were well on their way with a project. It can be frustrating at times waiting for news on grant applications!

How much clinical work did you do while undertaking the fellowship?

During the fellowship I took up half a slot on the on call Renal registrar rota at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. All of my on call commitments are outside of normal working hours i.e. lates, nights and weekends so they don’t interfere with patient recruitment. It does allow me to keep up my clinical skills and in the long run I know it will be much less daunting when I return to training.

Did the fellowship help with your clinical practice?

The fellowship has taught me perseverance and persistence. My confidence has grown and I have more self-belief that I can work through challenges and find my own solutions. I approach research papers in a completely different way now. I am more critical of the methodology used and I don’t take findings at face value.

Do you feel the fellowship has helped with your career development and aspirations?

It has reaffirmed my desire to have a career in Academic Medicine. Completing a PhD is the first step in achieving that goal. Being involved in an established research group has given me experience in clinical trials and multi-centre studies. I have been lucky enough to work with some of the best academics in their field. I have really enjoyed aspects of research that I didn’t think I would such as statistics. I have also been able to explore sub specialities such as hypertension which I hadn’t considered before.

What advice would you give to a prospective applicant?

  1. Identify a supervisor who shares your academic interests and will support you during your research. Someone you can develop a good rapport with is important as you will be working with them closely for a number of years.
  2. Review potential funders early and be aware of grant deadlines (there may only be one application cycle per year).
  3. Develop your project proposal as much as you can. Use existing funding application forms to guide you.