BHP welcomes Birmingham Community Healthcare to strategic research alliance
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHC) has become the sixth NHS member of Birmingham Health Partners – and its ninth overall – adding crucial community care to the city’s strategic health research alliance for the first time.
BCHC provides more than 100 core NHS community services for the 1.1m people in Birmingham, as well as specialist rehabilitation and dental services for the wider West Midlands population of 6.5m. Its vision is to provide the best care possible to support the people who use its services, many of whom are among the most vulnerable in our society, to live well in healthy communities.
The Trust is active in research, with live projects including the EPIC Neck Study – evaluating a new approach to exercise for people with persistent neck pain – and Move More, which is testing the feasibility of an app to help people with long-term disabilities to increase their activity levels. Both of these studies are being delivered collaboratively with BHP founding member the University of Birmingham, with whom BCHC also works closely at Birmingham Dental Hospital.
Professor Lorraine Harper, Managing Director of BHP, commented: “BCHC provides vital services to adults and children across the city and beyond. Being responsible for the healthy management of long-term conditions and chronic illnesses, and a strategic focus on promoting equity and reducing health inequalities, their values align perfectly with BHP’s strategic objectives. We are excited to extend our collaborations with BCHC across our membership for the benefit of the patients and communities we serve.”
Dr Robbie Dedi, Chief Medical Officer at BCHC commented: “We are on a challenging journey to improve the health of our communities whilst ensuring equitable access and outcomes. Joining with BHP provides a really exciting opportunity to expand the research and evidence base across this field and translate this into practice. We look forward to BHP supporting research capability of our teams so they can make a lasting impact on patient care within their fields.”