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Largest ever UK surgical trial aims to reduce post-surgery infections

More than £10m of funding from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has been awarded to BHP founder-member the University of Birmingham to run an ambitious trial which aims to recruit 26,000 patients from 100 sites across the UK in the next five years.

ROSSINI-Platform is a large multi-arm, multi-stage platform trial, led by Professor Thomas Pinkney and the Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit, that will help experts understand how to reduce wound infections that can occur following operations.

Wound infections, also referred to as Surgical Site Infections (SSI), are the commonest complication after surgery and affect up to one in four patients undergoing surgery each year. These infections carry an estimated cost to the NHS of at least £700m each year.

Professor Thomas Pinkney from the School of Health Sciences at the University of Birmingham, and Chief Investigator of the ROSSINI-Platform trial said: “An adult living in the UK will have an average of four operations during their lifetime. Up to a quarter of operations may result in a surgical site infection (SSI) – a post-operative infection of the wound – which can have significant negative impacts on patient recovery.

“We know that infections at different operation sites can cause different types of challenges. For example, an infection following a caesarean section can impact on the mothers’ ability to bond with their newborn. An infection following amputation could mean that the patient is no longer suitable to be fitted for a prosthetic, meaning they might become a wheelchair user.

“Post pandemic the waiting lists for surgeries are higher than ever, so an evidence-based approach to improving recovery times and reducing preventable complications and their associated risk of readmissions has never been more necessary.”

ROSSINI-Platform will look at various interventions to reduce the rates of surgical site infection, and the design of the trial will enable the team to focus on those that show evidence of benefit.

In total, 18 interventions are being assessed in the trial, with examples including:

  • using state-of-the-art wound cleaning solutions during surgery
  • using special wound dressings after surgery,
  • applying antibiotics differently during surgery,
  • changing gloves and instruments at certain points during surgery,
  • waxing or epilation around the surgical site

In addition, the trial will test these interventions across multiple operation types areas such as heart surgery, brain surgery, caesarean section and leg amputation, to find what works best to reduce infection in each setting.

Sue’s story

Sue Blackwell, 49, from Liverpool, has faced health issues over the years connected with inflammatory bowel disease and has had a total of 13 operations. Several operations have resulted in SSIs requiring antibiotics, but one infection led to unexpected complications that impacted Sue’s life for years.

Following a planned completion proctectomy, Sue developed a serious infection leading to being housebound for six months and losing control of her bladder for ten weeks.

Sue had to wait for district nurses to come and change her dressings twice each day, and this had a significant impact on her life. To add to the ordeal, Sue had to undergo additional surgeries to address the complications and experienced problems with wound draining for two years. The seemingly never-ending round of surgeries and treatments continued, and it took a total of eleven years for the wound to fully heal.

Sue is currently doing a PhD at the University of Birmingham and will use her lived experience to inform the ROSSINI-Platform trial as a public involvement representative.

Speaking of her involvement in both developing and delivering the study, Sue said:

“A lot of patients think that someone somewhere along the line is at fault, which isn’t usually the case. SSIs are very common and we don’t know enough about what we can do to stop them. With this trial, all the interventions are already in use, we know they are all safe, we’re just testing them against each other in a smart way, similar to a world cup tournament, to see which comes out on top.”

In addition to delaying or impeding patient recovery, SSIs are responsible for extending hospital stays and hospital readmissions. SSIs are a significant problem for the NHS, due to increased treatment costs and resource usage both in hospital and in the community. SSI is now the most common healthcare associated infection and costs the NHS at least £700million per year. It is therefore a priority for patients and the health service.

The trial team hope that the findings will help countries around the world to implement the most effective ways to prevent SSI following different types of common surgeries. This will help speed up recovery, get patients discharged from hospital sooner freeing up bed space, and in many countries around the world will save countless lives.

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Karen Crowdy and Linda Everard named first BHP People award winners

The BHP People award is a new reward and recognition scheme from Birmingham Health Partners, designed to shine a spotlight on our colleagues who play a vital role in the success of clinical trials and research studies, and whose work is integral to groundbreaking scientific endeavours.

By championing individuals including research nurses, statisticians, pharmacists and many others, BHP People also highlights the incredible diversity of careers in research and the essential contributions that these professionals make. As well as celebrating individual excellence, the initiative reflects the shared dedication of our diverse partner organisations to driving collaborative research.

The inaugural BHP People award winners are:

  • Dr Karen Crowdy, Director of Research Strategy and Operations at the Aston Institute of Health and Neurodevelopment (IHN). Karen has been recognised for her outstanding contributions to research delivery, collaboration, training, and culture, as well as her transformative impact on IHN’s growth and success.
  • Linda Everard, R&D Implementation and Performance Manager at Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. With a passion for mental health research and service improvement, Linda has been recognised for ensuring that as many service users as possible have access to clinical trials and high-quality research.

Nominating Karen, Aston University’s Professor Claire Farrow, Deputy Dean Research and Enterprise in the College of Health and Life Sciences, said: “As a result of Karen’s work the Institute of Health and Neurodevelopment is thriving. She supports academics to deliver a programme of pioneering research into paediatric conditions such as epilepsy, child brain tumours, and neuro-immunological diseases, leading to the development of personalised interventions that will make a difference to health care professionals, families and children.

“Much of the research that she supports also tackles critical health challenges in the Birmingham area, including respiratory health, child obesity, and diabetes, ensuring research has a direct impact on health inequalities.”

Beyond her strategic influence, Karen understands what makes a great research culture and has spearheaded multiple initiatives to bring together researchers, support early-career researchers, negotiate cotutelle agreements, and stimulate research collaboration and discussion.

Professor Farrow added: “Karen’s creativity combined with exceptional organisation and drive have positioned IHN as a leader in advancing personalised interventions and evidence-based healthcare solutions for children and families. She is a very worthy winner of this award, exemplifying the core values of the BHP People scheme.”

We sat down with Karen to find out a little more about her career journey to date, and how vital cross-organisational collaboration is to research in Birmingham – read her story here: “BHP People – find your niche.

Linda was nominated by BSMHFT’s Head of Research and Development, Emma Patterson, who said: “Without Linda, we quite simply would not be able to run clinical trials. She leads a highly skilled, enthusiastic and motivated team and provides them with opportunities to expand their knowledge and skills by developing their own research.

“She plays a crucial role in training and mentoring the next generation of investigators, supporting new PIs as they take on NIHR portfolio trials and guiding them toward becoming future Chief Investigators. Thanks to her dedication, our research portfolio continues to grow, reaching new clinical areas and broadening opportunities for both staff and service users.

“Beyond her operational impact, Linda is deeply committed to making high-quality research accessible to as many service users as possible. As a co-founder of the Trust’s Lived Experience Action Research (LEAR) Group, she has helped ensure that service users are involved at every stage of research development and delivery. She continues to drive innovation by establishing research champions and engaging underrepresented communities, making her an invaluable force in the advancement of mental health research.”

We met with Linda to find out a little more about her journey from clinical psychology to research delivery, and how she is embedding a culture of research at BSMHFT. Read her story here: BHP People – research is everyone’s business.

The BHP People award will be presented quarterly, focusing on a different pair of member organisations each time.

Central and North West Midlands Awarded Prestigious NIHR Commercial Research Delivery Centre

Birmingham Health Partners (BHP) has successfully led a bid to establish one of the UK’s new National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Commercial Research Delivery Centres (CRDCs) to expand access to innovative clinical trials and deliver life-changing treatments to some of the UK’s most underserved communities.

This transformative £7m investment will establish the Central and North West Midlands (C&NWM) Commercial Research Delivery Centre, hosted by BHP founding member Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust (BWC), working closely with regional partners Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust – host of Staffordshire and Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Health Research Partnership (SSHERPA) – and the Black Country Provider Collaborative.

The new CRDC will make it easier for individuals across the C&NWM region to take part in research trials for cutting-edge healthcare treatments, partnering with drug companies to deliver treatment trials in a safe and responsible way. The new centre will also work closely with local businesses, patient groups and charities to help it reach a broad range of communities, including those that haven’t taken part in research before.

The C&NWM region, home to 4.2 million people, includes many of the UK’s most economically deprived communities who face significant health inequalities and higher rates of serious illness. The CRDC will focus on addressing these inequities by increasing access to clinical trials for patients who have the greatest need – dovetailing with BHP’s strategic focus on addressing health inequalities and giving greater opportunities for residents to participate in research.

Professor Lorraine Harper, Managing Director of Birmingham Health Partners and Director of the C&NWM CRDC, said: “This is an incredibly exciting opportunity to transform the health outcomes of our communities through world-class clinical research.

“By bringing together the expertise, resources, and passion of over 25 clinical and academic partners from across our region, we will create a thriving research ecosystem that not only delivers cutting-edge treatments but also makes clinical trials more accessible to all, including those in underserved populations. The NIHR’s investment will enable us to innovate and collaborate to improve healthcare in the Central and North West Midlands.”

Jeremy Kirk, R&D Director at BWC and Deputy Director of the CRDC said: “The primary objectives of the CRDC are to increase the number of trials in the region, boost participation from diverse communities, and speeding up the clinical trial process through streamlined workflows and innovative trial designs. BHP is already leading work to optimise academic trials and reduce bureaucracy, and so extending this programme into commercial trials is a natural next step.”

Professor Neil Hanley, Executive Director of Birmingham Health Partners and Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of the College of Medicine and Health at the University of Birmingham, said: “The success of the Central and North West Midlands CRDC bid is testimony to the deepening relationship between BHP’s partners. All of our academic and clinical member organisations were involved in developing our bid, which will bring tangible benefits to the wider partnership and help drive better health outcomes and economic growth to the region. It is yet more proof of the central importance of the health and life sciences sector to the region and country.”

Innovative approaches such as community-based trial locations, mobile research units, and digital technologies will ensure the CRDC reaches individuals who have never previously participated in research. Public involvement will be central to every stage of the Centre’s work, ensuring that its methods are inclusive, supportive, and effective in addressing local healthcare challenges.

Professor Lucy Chappell, Chief Executive Officer of the NIHR and Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department of Health and Social Care, said: “Clinical trials help improve lives. Boosting the NHS’s capacity to deliver commercial clinical research through these new Commercial Research Delivery Centres will support recruitment across all communities and bring innovative treatments to patients.

“The effects of these centres will be felt right across the four nations, bringing investment into the UK’s life sciences sector.”

£72 million investment

A total of 20 CRDCs are being established across the UK. In addition to the CRDCs in England, there will be four in Scotland, and a one nation approach in Wales and Northern Ireland. As part of the 10 Year Health Plan, the centres will shift clinical trials beyond large hospital trusts and into community settings, meaning those in underserved regions will now be able to participate in research, boosting access to new treatments in the trial stage.

This £72 million investment over seven years, beginning in April 2025, is awarded from the £400 million Voluntary Scheme for Branded Medicine Pricing, Access, and Growth (VPAG) Investment Programme and partly from NIHR in England.

The VPAG programme is a unique partnership between the UK Government and the pharmaceutical industry to boost the global competitiveness of the UK life science sector and stimulate economic growth. It will invest up to £300 million to bolster commercial clinical trial activity and help advance the delivery of new medicines and vaccines to patients.

The full list of C&NWM partners is:

  • HOST: Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
  • Aston University
  • Balsall Heath and Sparkhill Primary Care Network (PCN)
  • Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
  • Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Dudley Integrated Health and Care NHS Trust
  • Dudley and Netherton PCN
  • East Staffordshire PCN
  • GPS Healthcare and Solihull Healthcare Partnership
  • Keele University
  • Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Modality Partnership Limited
  • NHS Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board (ICB)
  • NHS Black Country ICB
  • NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin ICB
  • NHS Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICB
  • North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust
  • Our Health Partnership
  • Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust
  • Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
  • Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust
  • Solihull Healthcare Partnership
  • The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust
  • The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
  • University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
  • University of Birmingham
  • Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust
  • West Birmingham PCN

Letters of support were gratefully received from:

  • Community Resource
  • Egton Medical Information Systems Limited (EMIS)
  • Health Innovation Network West Midlands
  • Medpace UK
  • Mental Health Mission Midlands Translational Centre
  • Qube
  • Roche Products Ltd
  • STAY
  • Support Staffordshire
  • VAST
  • West Midlands Research Delivery Network

(BHP member organisations in bold type).

One year in: Birmingham Health Partners drives progress in reducing bureaucracy in clinical trials

Birmingham Health Partners (BHP) is marking a year of transformative work on its Reducing Bureaucracy in Clinical Trials programme, which launched in November 2023 with the aim of establishing Birmingham a leader in delivering cutting-edge clinical research more efficiently. The ambitious initiative was established in response to the national drive for innovation, as outlined in the Lord O’Shaughnessy and Tickell reviews.

A year in, the programme has made significant progress toward streamlining clinical trial processes and developing pragmatic solutions, with active participation from our partner organisations. focusing on areas such as grants, contracting and site setup. Work is ongoing to: develop tools to help researchers navigate the complex research landscape more effectively, including piloting an e-request form; standardise template agreements across the partnership and establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) for pre-award grants; and create a consistent NHS-academic costing model.

Amy Smith, Senior Programme Lead, said: “This first year has been about laying a strong foundation for transforming how clinical trials are delivered across Birmingham. We’re particularly appreciative of the 100+ individuals who submitted responses to our survey over the summer, allowing us to understand the researcher experience and tailor our programme accordingly.

“By working collaboratively, we are making real progress in reducing the administrative burden on researchers and getting vital innovations to our patients faster. We’re excited to see what the next year brings as we continue to refine and expand this work – starting with a report on the results of our survey which we will be publishing soon, and a Town Hall event where investigators and researchers can learn more about our programme, ask questions and share their thoughts.”

Register for the online Town Hall event – Monday 9 December at 2.30pm – at the following link:

This initiative comes at a pivotal time, with Lord Darzi’s independent investigation underscoring the essential role of research in preparing the NHS for the future and the newly elected Labour Government setting out bold ambitions for the NHS – including speeding up clinical trial recruitment, improving diversity, and reducing the time it takes to introduce high-impact innovations to patients. Other reforms aim to move away from hospital care to more services delivered in the community, digitising healthcare, and prioritising prevention rather than focusing only on treating illness.

At a national level, the Health Research Authority (HRA) has made strides by meeting or exceeding targets for trial setup times, and the transition from Clinical Research Networks (CRNs) to Research Delivery Networks (RDNs) on October 1st marked a shift towards research in broader health and care settings. Despite these advances, national performance indicators suggest there is still progress to be made, particularly in commercial trial setups and recruitment of first patients.

BHP remains committed to transforming Birmingham’s healthcare through high-impact innovation – delivering research that matters to patients.

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Birmingham opens Europe’s first pancreatic cancer mRNA vaccine trial

Researchers at BHP founding-members University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) and the University of Birmingham have opened a trial to study how messenger RNA (mRNA) cancer vaccines may be used to prevent recurrence of pancreatic cancer. The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) is the first hospital in Europe to recruit into such a trial.

Pancreatic cancer is among the deadliest cancers globally, with a survival rate beyond 10 years of just 5% in England (2013-2017). It is often only when the cancer has reached an advanced stage that physical symptoms appear, at which point it becomes more difficult to treat.

The trial aims to recruit patients undergoing surgery to remove pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), an extremely aggressive disease that accounts for 90% of all pancreatic cancers.

Patients enrolled in the study will either receive an investigational cancer vaccine combined with chemotherapy (treatment group) or standard chemotherapy alone (control group).

In this investigational therapeutic cancer vaccine, mRNA is used to deliver the instructions for building several proteins (neoantigens) found in a person’s cancer. In doing so, the trial vaccine aims to train the immune system to recognise and attack the set of proteins (usually found on microscopic cancer cells) when it encounters it again.

Following surgery, samples of the patients’ tumour tissue and blood are sent to laboratories, to design and manufacture the investigational cancer vaccine. For the patients eligible for the trial, a mRNA-based cancer treatment is manufactured with mRNA specific to the proteins in that individual’s tumour.

This novel treatment approach is aimed at training the immune system to recognise and attack cancer cells, to potentially prevent cancer recurrence and increase the prospect of a patient being cured.

Dr Shivan Sivakumar, Principal Investigator of the trial, Associate Professor in Oncology at the University of Birmingham and Consultant Medical Oncologist at QEHB said: “We are incredibly proud that the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham is the first site in Europe to enrol a patient to this investigational pancreatic cancer vaccine trial. This achievement highlights Birmingham’s leading role in advancing cancer treatment, offering new hope for patients battling one of the most challenging cancers we face today.

“We recently also became the first site in Europe to open an immunotherapy study in cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer), another deadly cancer. Birmingham is positioning itself to be a leading centre in Europe to test novel treatments for these hard-to-treat cancers and I find it humbling that patients in the Midlands have been able to enrol onto this trial, before anyone else in Europe.”

Professor Kiran Patel, Chief Medical Officer at UHB, which operates QEHB, added: “We are very fortunate to have exceptional infrastructure and world-class talent that positions us perfectly to lead in vital areas of cancer research.

“This trial showcases the expertise and dedication of our medical professionals, and the fantastic teams supporting them, who are at the leading edge of clinical research here in Birmingham.

“To be the first site to open in Europe, reaffirms our role as a national and international centre for cutting-edge oncology and highlights our commitment to improving patient outcomes through pioneering approaches.”

Jo Gray, Head of Research and Development Operations at UHB, said: “Through the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility (CRF), we are able to provide expert care to patients receiving experimental therapies. Birmingham is the first site outside of North America to open and to enrol a patient onto this complex, early phase trial, that addresses an important need to identify better post-surgery treatments for pancreatic cancer.”

Professor Neil Hanley, Head of the College of Medical and Dental Sciences at the University of Birmingham, said: “This work epitomises why the University of Birmingham and its tremendous partnership with UHB is delivering life-changing impacts.

“Whilst such approaches were being investigated before 2020, we now know the power of mRNA vaccines from the COVID-19 pandemic; to tilt those discoveries from a time of tremendous challenge towards a much-needed world of new cancer treatments is inspiring for all of us.

“Birmingham is the ideal place to open this trial, with one of the leading pancreatic cancer units in the UK and serving a super diverse population. The chemistry between the university and hospitals is clear. By working as one team under the banner of Birmingham Health Partners, we are delivering the kind of cutting-edge research leading to transformational clinical care that befits Birmingham as an innovative city at the forefront of health and life sciences.”

Dr Chris Macdonald, Head of Research at Pancreatic Cancer UK, said: “For too long we have had so few treatment options for people with pancreatic cancer. Surgery is currently the only potential cure and yet, tragically, in 75% of cases the cancer reoccurs within a year. Finally, there is hope on the horizon.

“We are absolutely delighted that Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham is the first site in Europe to enrol a patient to an individualised pancreatic cancer vaccine trial. We will be following the results with great interest, as the potential here cannot be understated. If this research proves successful, the vaccine could be a vital new weapon against the deadliest common cancer.”

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Birmingham launches pioneering trial to improve pregnancy outcomes for severe haemolytic disease

A pioneering study that took place at Birmingham Women’s Hospital has found an antibody that can improve the survival rate of unborn babies with rare, early-onset fetal anaemia, as a result of haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (EOS-HDFN).

Pregnant mothers have taken part in the UNITY trial, which has found that nipocalimab, an investigational, fully human, monoclonal antibody, has the potential to improve the survival rate of these babies.

BHP members the University of Birmingham (UoB) and Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust (BWC) were a study site for a global, multicentre, open-label trial, in which nipocalimab was given for the treatment of pregnancies at high risk of severe EOS-HDFN, and evaluated safety, efficacy and the maternal metabolism of the monoclonal antibody.

Site investigator Mark Kilby, Emeritus Professor of Fetal Medicine at UoB and Honorary Consultant of Fetal Medicine at BWC said: “For mothers with severe HDFN the outcome not only of the condition but of the treatment, can be devastating. This is why the search for therapies to reduce the consequences of the maternal immune response has been focused on this cohort of women. The clinical study has found that nipocalimab is well tolerated and greatly increases the chance of unborn babies surviving severe EOS-HDFN, requiring less in-utero transfusion therapy.”

Haemolytic disease of the fetus newborn (HDFN), which is also sometimes referred to as Rhesus disease, is caused by a system of red blood cell antigens (most commonly of Rhesus D type) which raises the pathological antibody response in a pregnant person. These ‘pathological antibodies’ or alloantibodies can cross the placenta to the fetus and destroy its red cells, leading to progressive fetal anaemia and – if untreated – death of the fetus. 

Professor Kilby added: “These are fantastic results. In this group of pregnant women with severe HDFN, the medical management with nipocalimab has significantly reduced the need for early-onset in-utero fetal transfusion and improved the survival of these babies, reducing risks of miscarriage and stillbirth. Furthermore, and very importantly, nipocalimab seems to be well tolerated and safe for the mother and her unborn/newborn baby.   

“This research is a huge step forward for mothers who experience severe HDFN, as well as their partners, extended families, and of course, their children.”

Rosemary and Darren from Ireland were expecting baby Nessa when they took part in the clinical trial. Rosemary had had a previous in-utero transfusion for HDFN, and the couple had a child following treatment. Sadly, the couple lost a second baby after another in-utero transfusion. 

She was desperate to avoid another in-utero transfusion and was referred to the Fetal Medicine Centre at Birmingham Women’s Hospital eight weeks into her pregnancy after seeing news of the trial online and contacting her doctors at Dublin’s Rotunda Hospital. She had cell-free fetal DNA testing to confirm the baby was ‘suspectable’ to the antibodies she had produced. Rosemary then had maternal infusions of nipocalimab intravenously at weekly intervals from 14 to 35 weeks. 

Baby Nessa was born at 36 weeks weighing six pounds and 13 ounces and without the need for any IUTs.

Rosemary said: “When we were accepted onto the trial, we were both relieved and excited. Following the loss of our little girl Liliana, we were advised not to have any further pregnancies and we were devastated. This trial gave us hope of having another baby.”

“We were pregnant during the COVID lockdowns and as I was commuting from Ireland to Birmingham, it was a big worry but throughout our involvement in the trial, we felt supported, informed, understood and safe. We are forever grateful, the level of professionalism, compassion and empathy shown towards us is something we will never forget.” 

“Our two sons, Ollie and Joey now have a little sister, Nessa, who is a bubbly happy healthy four-year-old, full of mischief, giggles, and fun. To think the trial has given us what we believed was impossible, is a dream come true. To hear the trial has also given others living healthy children is fantastic. In a situation where we, like so many others felt was hopeless, to now know there is a treatment is like a miracle.”