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Revolutionising diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening post-partum haemorrhage

Post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) accounts for 27% of all maternal deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The burden of PPH disproportionately affects mothers from low- and middle-income countries, which account for 86% of all maternal deaths.

PPH is defined as blood loss from the genital tract of 500 ml or more within 24 hours of birth. PPH usually happens within a day of giving birth, but it can occur up to six weeks after a birth.

To find possible solutions to the terrible problem of PPH, researchers at BHP founder-member the University of Birmingham are conducting the E-MOTIVE trial based on the WHO ‘first response bundle’ in five countries: Kenya, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Tanzania and Nigeria.

Kristie-Marie Mammoliti, one of the lead researchers for the University of Birmingham explained the thinking behind the trial: “Surviving childbirth shouldn’t be a privilege; it should be the norm. Tragically this is not the case for so many women around the world. As PPH is the leading cause of maternal mortality globally, we are working together with our low and middle-income country partners to find solutions to stop women from bleeding to death after childbirth.”

Professor Hadiza Galadanci, from one of the University’s partners in Nigeria, commented: “One of the most frightening sights in Obstetrics is to see blood pouring from a woman after birth and to try all you can to stop it and you are not able to. If E-MOTIVE strategy is implemented in low- and middle-income countries, the light at the end of the tunnel to reducing maternal deaths due to PPH will be bright.”

The E-MOTIVE trial has the potential to revolutionise how medical institutions diagnose and treat PPH, and remove it from the list of life-threatening conditions facing pregnant women.

As we approach International Mother’s Day on Sunday 9 May, it is important for everyone to care and be aware of the risks that women across the world face when bringing life into the world, and how these risks can be reduced.

Rugby study identifies new method to diagnose concussion using saliva

A study of top-flight UK rugby players – carried out by BHP founder-member the University of Birmingham in collaboration with the Rugby Football Union (RFU), Premiership Rugby, and Marker Diagnostics – has identified a method of accurately diagnosing concussion using saliva, paving the way for the first non-invasive clinical test for concussion for use in sport and other settings.

Following the team’s previous research, which identified that the concentration of specific molecules  in saliva changes rapidly after a traumatic brain injury, the researchers embarked on a three-year study in elite rugby to establish if these ‘biomarkers’ could be used as a diagnostic test for sport-related concussion.

Using DNA sequencing technology in the laboratory at the University of Birmingham, the research team tested these biomarkers in saliva samples from 1,028 professional men’s rugby players competing in English rugby’s top two leagues – the Premiership and Championship.

The results of SCRUM (Study of Concussion in Rugby Union through MicroRNAs), published today (March 23) in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, has for the first time shown that specific salivary biomarkers can be used to indicate if a player has been concussed.  Additionally, the research has found these biomarkers provide further insights into the body’s response to injury as it evolves from immediately after trauma, to several hours and even days later.

The scientific breakthrough provides a new laboratory-based non-invasive salivary biological concussion test, which could have wide-reaching use and potential to reduce the risk of missing concussions not only in sport – from grassroots to professional levels – but also in wider settings such as military and healthcare.

In community sport, these biomarkers may provide a diagnostic test that is comparable in accuracy to the level of assessment available in a professional sport setting.  While, at an elite level of rugby, the concussion test may be used in addition to the existing World Rugby Head Injury Assessment (HIA) protocol.

Marker Diagnostics, a subsidiary of Swiss biotechnology company Marker AG, is in the process of commercialising the patented salivary concussion test as an over-the-counter test for elite male athletes.  It has also obtained a CE Mark for test, which has been named MDx.100.

The team now aims to collect further samples from players in two elite men’s rugby competitions in order to provide additional data to expand the test and develop its use to guide the prognosis and safe return to play after concussion and to further establish how it will work alongside the HIA process.

The team will present their findings and planned next research steps at the World Rugby Laws and Welfare Symposium to be held later this month.

Meanwhile, Marker Diagnostics and the University of Birmingham are also currently carrying out several additional studies to further validate and expand the test for use in different groups that were not included in the SCRUM study, including women, young athletes and community sports players.

The research is part of the REpetitive COncussion in Sport (ReCoS) research programme being led by the University of Birmingham through the National Institute for Health Research’s Surgical Reconstruction and Microbiology Research Centre (NIHR SRMRC) based at fellow BHP founder-member University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB).

First author Dr Valentina Di Pietro, of the University of Birmingham and NIHR SRMRC, said: “Concussion can be difficult to diagnose, particularly in settings such as grass roots sports where evaluation by a specialist clinician is not possible. Consequently, some concussions may go undiagnosed.

“There are also concerns regarding the long-term brain health of those exposed to repeated concussions.

“A non-invasive and accurate diagnostic test using saliva is a real game changer and may provide an invaluable tool to help clinicians diagnose concussions more consistently and accurately.

“In professional sports, this diagnostic tool may be used in addition to current head injury assessment protocols and return to play evaluation to ensure the safety of individuals.”

Senior author Antonio Belli, Professor of Trauma Neurosurgery at the University of Birmingham, Consultant Neurosurgeon at UHB, and Director of NIHR SRMRC, added:  “Conducting a study in a professional contact sports setting has meant we have been able to collect invaluable data enabling us to make significant advances in our biological knowledge and understanding of concussion and its diagnosis.

“Crucially, the differences in the salivary concentration of these biomarkers are measurable within minutes of injury, which means we can make rapid diagnoses.

“The ability to rapidly diagnose concussion using biomarkers in addition to existing tools solves a major unmet need in the sporting world as well as in military and healthcare settings, particularly in injuries without significant visible symptoms.”

Author Dr Simon Kemp, RFU’s Medical Services Director, said: “This study is an important part of the portfolio of collaborative research initiatives the RFU undertakes into concussion.

“While still a way from having something that can be used in community rugby, it is extremely encouraging to now be able to start to develop a rapid and non-invasive test which could add real value particularly at a grassroots level of the game.

“We would like to thank all the players and clubs who participated in the study and to World Rugby for granting permission for us to extend the duration of the HIA from 10 to 13 minutes in order for the saliva samples to be captured. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without this support.

“We will now be working with World Rugby to secure further research options in two elite men’s competitions.”

Author Dr Matt Cross, Head of Science and Medical Operations at Premiership Rugby, said: “We would like to thank our clubs and all of the players for volunteering to be part of this very important research project.

“The findings from the study are clearly promising and highlight the potential for salivary biomarkers to further support clinical decision making and the accurate identification and diagnosis of concussion in a range of different sporting and non-sporting settings.

“Premiership Rugby and the Premiership clubs support a number of player welfare focused research projects, and we are looking forward to continuing to collaborate and support further research in the next phase of this specific project from 2021-22 onwards.”

Dr Éanna Falvey, World Rugby Chief Medical Officer, added: “Elite Rugby’s Head Injury Assessment process has proven an invaluable tool in the identification of concussion with an accuracy of over 90 per cent, but we are continually evaluating the latest developments in science and technology to identify potential enhancements.

“This study, its rigour and outcomes demonstrates the value in a targeted, scientific approach and reflects rugby’s progressive commitment to player welfare.”

Tinus Maree, CEO of Marker AG, said: “This ground-breaking validation of the biomarker panel shows that we can use the simple swab collection of saliva to accurately and specifically diagnose concussion.

“It is a biological measure of mild traumatic brain injury and will contribute to a new global standard of care for the injury and a meaningful reduction of the cost and health burden associated with concussion.

“We are grateful to our collaborators, especially to Dr Simon Kemp and the RFU, for their efforts and visionary support of this important work.”

The study, fully supported by The Rugby Players’ Association, saw the team obtaining saliva samples from male professional players in the top two tiers of England’s elite rugby union competition during the 2017-18 and 2018-19 rugby seasons.

Saliva samples were collected pre-season from 1,028 players.  They were also collected from 156 of these players during standardised World Rugby head injury assessments (HIAs) at three time points – in-game, post-game, and 36-48 hours post-game.  The HIA protocol, used by rugby medical staff, includes a neurological examination, a series of cognitive tests and evaluation of gait and balance to determine if a player has been concussed.

‘Control’ samples were also collected from 102 uninjured players and 66 players who were removed from the game due to musculoskeletal injuries.

Using samples collected during the 2017-18 season, the team identified a panel of a combination of 14 salivary biomarkers – known as small non-coding RNAs or sncRNAs – that was highly accurate (96%) at identifying concussed players from all other groups.

This included players with suspicion of mild traumatic brain injury who had a concussion ruled out after a structured HIA; uninjured controls from the same game; and players who had suffered musculoskeletal injuries.

The panel was prospectively tested during the 2018-19 season, and the research showed it could successfully predict whether players would be positive or negative for concussion via the HIA protocol in 94% of cases.

The study was funded by the Midland Neurosciences Teaching and Research Fund, NIHR SRMC, Medical Research Council, Rugby Football Union and Marker AG.

Birmingham spinout secures £800k for point-of-care diagnostics platform

Birmingham-based Linear Diagnostics Ltd has secured £800,000 from the Midlands Engine Investment Fund (MEIF) and other investors in the company’s second round of funding, which will enable the company to commence the development of the hardware platform for its tests.

The finance will facilitate the ongoing development of the company’s high-speed platform technology for point of care diagnostics. The funding package includes backing from MEIF Equity Finance, managed by venture capital firm Midven, the University of Birmingham and the UKI2S FundThe UK Future Fund matched the investment from the initial investors.

Linear Diagnostics was founded in 2011 by Professor Tim Dafforn and Dr Matt Hicks as a spinout from BHP founder-member the University of Birmingham’s School of Biosciences. Its diagnostics technology is based on research in linear dichroism, patented by University of Birmingham Enterprise, which uses polarised light to detect the presence of molecules in solutions.

The company has shown strong technical progress since its first investment, achieving clinical levels of accuracy in tests within its lab environment. Initially focusing on sexually transmitted infections (STIs), Linear Diagnostics is developing a rapid test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea. The test will be capable of detecting multiple infections in the same sample in around 15 minutes by labelling each infection indicator with a different coloured dye.

The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide, more than one million STIs are acquired every day. As most STIs show no or mild symptoms, point of care diagnostics will enable healthcare professionals to provide efficient, on-the-spot treatment, which will help reduce onward transmission and lower the risk of antibiotic resistance.

Brendan Farrell, Chairman & CEO of Linear Diagnostics, said: “We are very grateful to our existing investors for their continued support and to the UK Future Fund for providing matched funding. The funds received will enable Linear Diagnostics to develop a prototype single use cartridge and reader for our duplex test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea.”

Roger Wood, Director at Midven, said: “The requirement for rapid and accurate point of care diagnostics has been brought into sharp focus by the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many other disease areas that could equally benefit from this approach and Linear Diagnostics is making excellent progress with the development of its testing platform. This funding round will enable the company to continue its good work at pace.”

 Oliver Sexton, Director at UKI2S, said“Linear Diagnostics’ platform will be able to identify the presence or absence of genetic biomarkers in under 20 minutes. Such rapid gene-based diagnosis is transformative for diseases and disorders that respond to extremely rapid intervention or require diagnosis outside access to centralised laboratory services”

Ken Cooper, Managing Director at the British Business Bank, said:  “This latest investment shows how MEIF Equity Finance can be used for further rounds of funding by businesses at different stages of their growth journey. It’s an example of how MEIF and the Government’s Future Fund are helping to support the continued development of innovative businesses across the Midlands, which is also likely to have a significant public health impact.”

Tim Pile, Chair of the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “It is hugely exciting to hear that Linear Diagnostics Ltd has secured MEIF funding. Given the challenges presented by Covid-19, it is critical we do what we can to advance our regional offering in diagnostic technology. We welcome this investment which will ensure better outcomes for patients and opportunities for businesses. GBSLEP is committed to helping create opportunities in the health tech sector which we see as a priority growth area in the region.”

The Midlands Engine Investment Fund project is supported financially by the European Union using funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 and the European Investment Bank.

AI and advanced imaging could diagnose childhood brain tumours without biopsy

A study led by Birmingham Health Partners member organisations has found that combining advanced imaging and artificial intelligence techniques can accurately classify the characteristics of common types of childhood brain tumours – paving the way for more rapid non-invasive diagnosis.

Brain tumours in a particular part of the brain, called the posterior fossa, are the largest cause of death from cancer in children. There are three main types of tumour that occur in the posterior fossa, and being able to characterise them quickly and efficiently can be challenging without confirmation via a biopsy, which is invasive.

Now a new study, carried out in collaboration with researchers from WMG at the University of Warwick and published in Scientific Reports, has found tumour diagnostic classification can be improved by using an advanced and non-invasive imaging technique known as ‘diffusion weighted imaging’ in combination with machine learning (AI). This means that the tumour can be characterised and treated more efficiently.

Diffusion weighted imaging involves the use of specific advanced MRI sequences, as well as software that generates images from the resulting data which uses the diffusion of water molecules to generate contrast in MR image. Experts can then extract a ‘map’ which can be analysed to give more information about the tumour.

The study involved 117 patients at five primary treatment centres across the UK, with images taken using machines across 12 hospitals.  The images were analysed by both an experienced radiologist and an expert scientist in paediatric neuroimaging.  Analysis from the images were fed to AI algorithms to successfully discriminate the three most common types of paediatric posterior fossa brain tumours, non-invasively.

Professor Andrew Peet, NIHR Professor in Clinical Paediatric Oncology at BHP founder-members the University of Birmingham and Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, said: “When a child comes to hospital with symptoms that could mean they have a brain tumour, that initial scan is such a difficult time for the family and understandably they want answers as soon as possible.

“Here we have combined readily available scans with artificial intelligence to provide high levels of diagnostic accuracy that can start to give some answers.

“Previous studies using these techniques have largely been limited to single expert centres. Showing that they can work across such a large number of hospitals opens the door to many children benefitting from rapid non-invasive diagnosis of their brain tumour.

“These are very exciting times and we are working hard now to start making these artificial intelligence techniques widely available.”

Professor Theo Arvanitis, Director of the Institute of Digital Health at WMG, University of Warwick, and one of the authors of the study, added: “If this advanced imaging technique, combined with AI technology, can be routinely enrolled into hospitals it means that childhood brain tumours can be characterised and classified more efficiently, and in turn means that treatments can be pursued in a quicker manner with favourable outcomes for children suffering from the disease.”

The research was supported by Cancer Research UK, EPSRC Cancer Imaging Programme at the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group, the Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Children’s Research Fund, Poppyfields and Help Harry Help Others.