University Hospitals Birmingham

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust runs Good Hope, Heartlands, Queen Elizabeth and Solihull hospitals; the Trust also hosts the Institute of Translational Medicine.
UHB cares for 2.2 million patients each year, serving a regional, national and international population. It has approximately 2,700 beds, over 70 theatres and one of the largest critical care units in Europe.
The Trust’s hospitals are regional centres for trauma, burns, plastics, neurosciences and cancer, with the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham designated a Level 1 Major Trauma Centre – treating the most severely injured casualties from across the region.
In addition, UHB is home to some of the country’s leading clinical research institutions, and is dedicated to developing and implementing groundbreaking treatments, technologies and techniques. In 2014, it became a lead genomics centre as part of the NHS 100,000 genomes project.
UHB is also proud to host the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine (RCDM), which provides dedicated training for defence personnel. This contributes to UHB’s world-renowned reputation for pioneering surgical techniques in the management of traumatic injuries. The unique partnership between UHB and the RCDM provides an innovative environment to develop research within military and civilian medicine, to facilitate early adoption of advances in treatment and healthcare between the two sectors.

NIHR/Wellcome Trust Birmingham Clinical Research Facility (CRF)
The CRF is a purpose-built unit where study participants take part in research programmes safely according to robust, ethically approved trial protocols. More than 400 active trials are currently running through both the adult and paediatric facilities at the CRF, which generate more than 15,000 research appointments per year. Find out more about the CRF.

NIHR Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre
The Birmingham BRC is one of 20 NHS and University partnerships funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). Its research programme focuses on inflammation and the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of its associated long-term illnesses. Visit the BRC site.

Medical Devices Testing and Evaluation Centre (MD-TEC)
MD-TEC provides medical technology and life sciences businesses with access to state-of-the-art simulation and usability facilities alongside dedicated medical device expertise from the academic and clinical environment. The centre supports the acceleration of products from bench to market, at less cost and with reduced risk. Visit the MD-TEC site.