Aston University

Aston University is a research university situated in Birmingham’s vibrant city centre, founded in 1895, which received its Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth II in 1966.
The institution provides education to more than 18,000 students from over 120 countries across three Colleges including the College of Health and Life Sciences, which is home to Aston Medical School.
In the Autumn 2023 the University will launch it’s 2030 strategy. This new strategy sets out our bold ambitions for the future and the impact that we seek to make in fulfilling our core purpose – to make our world a better place through education, research and innovation, by enabling our students to succeed in work and life, and by supporting our communities to thrive economically, socially and culturally.

Aston Institute of Health and Neurodevelopment (IHN)
IHN members conduct studies which impact on the wellbeing of children, young people and society. Our researchers establish new models and understanding of childhood disease, disorder and developmental processes and use these to inform therapeutic and social interventions. Learn more about the IHN

Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing
The mission of the Aston Research Centre for Health in Ageing (ARCHA) is to understand, predict, prevent and treat age-related degeneration and disease. It has a specific focus on health, metabolism, the mind, and medicines in the context of the biology, psychology, and clinical aspects of ageing. Visit the research spotlight.

Aston Digital Futures Institute
Is a multidisciplinary research Institute established to provide thought leadership on one of the defining trends for the 2020s – the evolution of developed economies towards what is commonly referred to as ‘Industry 4.0’ and beyond. It has a significant health focus with specific strands on AI in Health, Data Science and Bioinformatics, Gamification and Digital Society. Learn more about the New Aston Digital Futures Institute.
Aston Centre for Membrane Proteins and Lipids Research (AMPL)
We are improving industrial biotechnology and paving the way for new drug discoveries through our research into the molecular basis of how cells communicate with their environment and each other.
Discover more by visiting the Aston Membrane Proteins and Lipids site.